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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2017

How to make money with Adfly

What is URL shorteners? URL shorteners can be used to shorten long URLs. Adf.ly detailed information Adf.ly is a site which allows you to shorten your URL, it is no different from bit.ly and tinyurl.com. However it does differ because they have ad twist. When ever someone opens the short url there is a 5 second frame which shows an ad. The timing is very short and thus majority of the people using this service don’t mind the wait in return for using the system. So how much money can you can you make with Adfly? It's a good question. The amount of money you can make with your Adf.ly links depends on where the people who click your Adf.ly links are located. How Ad.ly Works? I have given you an overview of the working of AdFly, there are some questions left why adf.ly pays you and how adf.ly itself make money. To make it more clear let us take an example. Think of an advertiser who wants to sell his product. So he want more visitors to see his business or buy his product: AdF.l...